Home Improvement Ideas and Advice

  • Closets can be overwhelming. Downsizing your closet can be a liberating experience, and our long distance and local movers recommend doing this before each move. But, it’s also something you can do to help you declutter and simplify your life. It’s essential to approach cleaning your closet with a thoughtful and intentional mindset. As you […]
  • As a full service moving company with more than 30 years of experience, we encourage you to consider getting rid of items you don’t use or need before you move. As you embark on your moving journey, one of the most challenging tasks you’ll face is deciding what to do with your furniture. Some pieces […]
  • Tackling paper clutter is no easy task. A mountain of paperwork can be overwhelming for anyone. Stacks of old bills, receipts, boxes of treasured letters and photographs, etc. can certainly pile up over the years. But, what if you could simplify your life and free up valuable space by digitizing your documents? The process may […]
  • The sentimental struggle is real. Downsizing can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to parting with items that hold dear memories and have sentimental value. It’s not just about letting go of “stuff,” but about releasing the emotional attachment that comes with it. The good news is that with a few simple strategies, […]
  • We are continuing our series of articles offering tips to seniors who are downsizing. Our previous articles discussed why downsizing is a good thing and the importance of starting small. Today, we will look at a strategy to help you sort and categorize your belongings. Sort and Categorize Sorting through a lifetime of possessions can […]